All Hands Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2021 - NCIFT

Executive Committee


All Hands Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2021


Parastoo Yaghmaee – President

Ellice Ogle – President Elect

Gabriela Swamy – Secretary

Xi Feng-Dir. At Large

WanChim Lim- Dir. At Large

John Frelka- Dir. At Large

Victor Hong- Dir. At Large

Mathew Poon- Dir. At Large

Christopher Ham- Dir. At Large

Jeff Sheasley- Dir. At Large

Imelda Vasquez – NCIFT Office Contact

Ashwini Wagh – Education Chair

Jamie Lawrence- HornBlower Editor

Craig Rothe

Charlwit Kulchaiyawat- Scholarship Committee

Martin Potnick – Sierra Region

Katie Uhl -UC Davis

Angela Liu Weber -UC Davis

5:02 PM Called to Order, Meeting called to end 5:56PM (PST)


Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom


Meeting Goal – To provide status update on events/ committee’s activities

Committee/team/event updates

South Bay Alton Brown (Ellice)

Event set for Monday Nov 15/2021. Email sent out for tickets. All tickets reserved by NCIFT were sold.

NCIFT Sierra Region networking events in Reno (Marty)

Contributions for expansions are welcome. Mode of purchase for events was discussed.

30 registrations are done for the upcoming networking event Nov 16/2021

Holiday party/80th anniversary celebration /NCIFT memory working with emeritus members

Registration opened yesterday. Parastoo encouraged members to register and participate in the event. Speaker from national IFT has been confirmed (in-person). Ms. Bruhn is working on collecting memories of NIFT for memory reading at the holiday dinner. Ellice is working on a slide show. Everybody is welcome to contribute with a memorable photo, fact etc.

Ellice stated that after 24 hours from opening the registration, already a few people have signed up.

Parastoo asked board members opinion on a location for December Board meeting. To have the board meeting on the same day and the same location of holiday party, will cost and additional $350. Parastoo suggested to have the meeting virtually either before or after the holiday party instead. Board members to send an e-mail to Parastoo with their preference.

Food Processing Expo Sacramento (Ellice/Erin)

Speakers have been confirmed. CLFP website is up for registration. Emails will be sent out soon.

Golf tournament (Marty/Dave)

The golf tournament contacts are Marty and Dave while Jas and Craig are just helping in 2022. Craig and Jas will take over in 2023.

Marty – 30 year of event. Great avenue for vendors and clients to be here. Please promote/invite to donate. Contact Imelda. They can send sample bags, goody bags, products, and pamphlet to be distributed in the event.

100-150 registrants are expected + some additional for dinner
Craig – Looking for more volunteers to help with the event.

Supplier’s night (Bruce)

Bruce was absent and Ellice read the update Bruce had sent by e-mail. The topic of Symposium is “Future of Foods”. Two speakers are confirmed. Symposium is a hybrid event.

Design of flyer and registration forms is in progress. It will be distributed and announced in Dec. Student poster competition is added to Supplier’s night event for 2022.

Nomination Committee (John)

The committee have met and reviewed the roster. They will reach out to people to confirm the roles. Recruitment email for new members to fill out the vacant seats needs to be sent out soon.
The committee will reach out to Imelda for distribution.

Not clear on the limit for the number of Directors-at-large
Craig – 4 is the minimum
Martin – usually Directors are rotating in pairs.

Hornblower (Jamie)

Please feel free to send your comment/suggestions for Hornblower to Jamie.
Jamie brought up the option of Hornblower as online print. Prefers to have an online format

The subject has been brought up before, and the conclusion was that advertisers prefer to have paper copy.

An alternative is to send paper copies only members that chosen the paper copy. Leadership team to revisit the matter in the next board meeting.

Poster Competition (Parastoo)

Parastoo is working with Alex and Charlwit on call for abstract guideline. The guideline and call for abstract submission will be sent out by tomorrow. The competition is open for both undergrad and grad students aiming mainly the three universities located in NCIFT region: San Jose State, UC Davis, Chico university.

Abstract submission will start in Nov 10/2021 and end on Dec 30/2021. The accepted abstract will be notified by Jan 30/2022. The poster competition will be held during Supplier night symposium.

First winner prize – $500
Spread the word and have more students participate.

Scholarship committee (Charlwit)

Next week email will be sent for students to apply. Deadline will be 12/12
Committee will then review the applications and vote to select the winners.

Education chair (Ashwini)

The plan is to have three virtual talk/webinars during Feb and March 2022.
One speaker is partially confirmed
Ashwini asked if rheology is a topic of interest to students. The answer was yes.
Other discussed topics were ; Plant based protein, HPP
Alex suggested combining two topics; like plant-based meat and shelf life will make the webinar more interesting.

UC Davis undergraduate (Angela)

Holiday dinner- Students are working on securing some prizes for raffle. Raffle tickets are ready.
Volunteers required for Holiday dinner for checking vaccination status etc. Student are planning to set a carpool system for driving to the event.

Dr. Simmons will attend for award ceremony in March 2022 in UC Davis.

UC Davis graduate (Kathrine)

Kathrine will help and provide support to Angela in upcoming events.

San Jose State University (Alex)

Poster info will be forwarded to faculty and students.

Chico University (Maria)

Maria was absent. No update.


Imelda – Asked for student volunteers for events

Matthew- Working with Ellice on New Professional event to be held in and incubator facility in woodland. More updates to come in Jan 2022

Read More

Dr. Zhongli Pan
UC Davis

Dr. Vivian Wu

Ms. Ellice Ogle
Tandem Food

Dr. Gabriella John Swammy

Dr. Nishtha Lukhmana
Premier Nutrition Company

Ms. Erin Evers
SPI Group


Dr. Xi (Alex) Feng

Mr. John Frelka
Del Monte Foods, Inc

Ms. WanChin Lim

Dr. Leigh Schmidt

Ms. Yanyao Yu
Thrive Freeze Dry


Ms. Ellice Ogle

Tandem Foods

Mr. John Frelka
Innovative Products and Services

Mr. Mike Toomey
Advanced Biotech

Ms. Yanyao Yu
Thrive Freeze Dry

Ms. Erin Evers
SPI Group

Ms. Clara Lang, Kinders