Meeting Minutes February 21, 2018
Call to Order: 1:31 pm
Linda Harris
Erin Evers
Brad Olson
Nikoo Arasteh
Carol Cooper
Illona Datskovskaya
Updates Since Last Meeting
- Craig and Brad spoke to Wells Fargo about adding additional account. Need signatures of all “owners” of the account, which currently include Jayne, Liz Cuff, Earl, Jas, Craig, Brad. Need to figure out go forward strategy for accounts to ensure consistency as board members transfer in and out.
- CVIFT Account closed out 1/31/18. $7,204.67 Transferred.
- Reached out to City of Fairfield contact about April 1 Event – Food Defense
Committee Updates:
- Nominations & Elections Committee (3 Directors at Large, 1 President-Elect) IFT 18: UCD/Chicago Aggie Alumni group working on event for IFT18. Targeting Monday of !FT
- Suppliers Night
Not discussed. Updates provided by email
Discussion Items:
Scholarship Meeting event 3/1. NCIFT will have table in the networking rooms.
IFT 18: UCD/Chicago Aggie Alumni group working on event for IFT18. Targeting Monday of !FT starting around 5:30. Linda/Melissa will follow-up by email with further details. Will be assisting spread the words once final time/location set.
- Monterey Bay Sub-Section Revival
Committee agreed to recommend section begin first with designated representative on NCIFT board and budget for events based on section headcount.
Remaining Action Items:
- Brad/Carol: Hornblower Fees -> Move towards digital format – connect with advertisers verify that they would still want to be a part of it
- Jaspreet/Bianca-work on developing new involvement and assigning a champion with industry connections for low attendance areas
- Holiday Party –Next year get sponsorship and revenue, do a holiday party using our non-profit benefits new location
Meeting Adjourned: 2:45 pm
Next meeting -> Targeting week of 4/9 or 4/16
- 3/1/18 Student award banquet – UCD, Harold McGee Speaker
- 4/1/18 (Targeted) NCIFT Member Social- Fairfield Industry Event
- 6/xx/18- American Association of Candy Technologists. Possible event. àAction item above.
- 5/7-8/18 NCIFT Suppliers Night 5/8 and Golf Event 5/7
- 7/15-18/18- NCIFT Section Gathering
- 11/x/18 – Harvest/Holiday Event
- 4/xx/18- invitation to follow
- 7/x/18 -Meeting at IFT
- 8/xx/18- Planning meeting