Meeting Minutes November 3, 2017
Abigail Selya
Erin Evers
Brad Olson
Nikoo Arasteh
Fatemeh Mirabedi
Carol Cooper
Jaspreet Walia
Reshmi Raman
Craig Rothe
Elaine Chow
Adley Tong
Meeting was brought to order at 6:00PM at the Casa Orozco in Dublin, CA.
- Reshmi‐ Volunteer committee
- Adley – Student Representative UC Davis
Student Update:
- Holiday Mixer (December 6th), want to reach out to all NCIFT members and university students
- NCIFT Holiday Dinner (December 7th) Some students registering
- Picnic Day Event‐ Ice‐cream (April) need permit form Cal Department Agriculture.
- Factory tour Renaissance Foods‐vegetable and food co‐packer
Budget Review/Approval
- Brad reviewed old budgets and proposed the new budget for this fiscal year.
- Cruess Fund income for student awards (need to set up separate account in our bank so it only goes to scholarships) 510C6 Requirement
- Travel Grant Income from last year‐ error
- Membership Dues‐ Increased form 15 to 20$ from last year reason for increased revenue
- Education Awards‐ Fresno State was not in our section but we supported them need to review
- Hornblower Fees‐ Move towards an online only Hornblower
- Marketing and design->Hornblower->potentially move to an online publication. (Check hyperlinks on website). Figure out cost for digital only production. If you want a print copy could be an added cost to your membership dues.
- Send a survey to companies who advertise we are focusing on our environmental impact and want better distribution to our members. Transitional ‐digital/paper for one year and if successful send out a survey to determine which format would be more useful.
Erin Motioned to approve the budget Craig seconded to approve budget. -> Budget approved
- Directors at large and chair elect-> need to renew and find new members to volunteer
- Social Media Chair
Student Awards
- Visit UC Davis to discuss awards with students –date TBD
- National IFT achievement award nominations due December 18 please nominate people who are eligible for it.
Action Items
- Jaspreet/Brad‐ Create a separate account for Cruess Fund at Wells Fargo
- Elaine Chow‐ Holiday Party (Photo Booth?)
- Jaspreet/Brad‐Submit budget to IFT Thursday
- Brad/Carol: Hornblower Fees‐> Move towards digital format– connect with advertisers verify that they would still want to be a part of it
- Holiday Party –Next year get sponsorship and revenue, do a holiday party using our non‐profit benefits new location
- Directors at large and chair elect-> 3 directors at large and a president elect by January in order to be on the ballot at IFT.
- Jaspreet/Bianca‐work on developing new involvement and assigning a champion with industry connections for low attendance areas
- Craig‐ Education Committee -> Have suppliers give presentations in a general and showcase new companies. (ex: Chirps Chips‐ cricket chips, FSMA sanitation process)‐ Possible monthly event
- Brad/Craig->Craig‐ reach out to Mike McCarthy, Brad Send something out for the following idea: National IFT Mixer‐ Possible split ownership event‐ NCIFT Networking event. Washington/San Joaquin/Southern CA/Oregon #WestCoastBestCoast Mixer -> Connect with other chapters and Cindy for support.
- Work with Imelda to post on website and post
This year lets follow up on our goals and actions.
Upcoming Events
*Need more advertising and announcements for all our events
- Sign in sheet‐Add a member yes/no column for attendance. Bring a non‐member to encourage new membership.
- Carol/Erin IFT‐ Volunteers has changed the way they signed up. Carol suggests that the other sections get a chance to host so we can rotate through the sections. Only rotates through a few locations LA/Vegas/Chicago/New Orleans/Atlanta/Dallas.
- December 7, 2017 Holiday Dinner-> Wente Holiday Party 65$ for preregistering
- 1/22/18 Fancy food show‐ RCA/NCIFT Gathering
- 2/21/17 CLFP Luncheon/Executive Committee Meeting Speaker‐ Parastoo Yaghamee
- 3/1/18 Student award banquet – UCD
- 3‐4/xx/18 NCIFT Member Social‐ Fairfield Industry Event
- 6/xx/18‐ American Association of Candy Technologists. Possible event. ->Action item above.
- 5/7‐8/18 NCIFT Suppliers Night 5/8 and Golf Event 5/7
- 7/15‐18/18‐ NCIFT Section Gathering
- National IFT Mixer‐ Possible split ownership event‐ NCIFT Networking event. Southern CA/Oregon #WestCoastBestCoast Mixer -> Connect with other chapters and Cindy for support.
Executive Committee Meetings
- 12/7/17‐Holiday meeting before holiday dinner
- 2/21/18 ‐CLFP After Luncheon in neighboring hotel
- 4/xx/18‐ invitation to follow
- 7/x/18 ‐Meeting at IFT
- 8/xx/18‐ Planning meeting
- December Event IFT President Cindy is visiting –provide wine/snacks/recap of agenda/goals/feedback/opportunity to have her support/NCIFT Cactus networking event.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM
Next meeting-> December 7th Pre holiday party