Meeting Minutes June 26, 2018
Abigail Selya, Erin Evers, Brad Olson, Nikoo Arasteh, Imelda Vasquez, Florence Wu, Jayne McCann, Dave Sholtoli, Earl Weak, Pallavi Fancy
Meeting was brought to order at 6:00 PM at Horatios in San Leandro.
Suppliers Night/Expo/Symposium Summary
- Performance indicator event, and financial summary captured in supplemental packet.
- Compared to previous years, more tables than previous 2 years but we are averaging around 200 tables. Facility has the potential to accommodate 300 exhibitors.
- Golfers, and T-sponsors, and attendee numbers were all about the same.
- Changes: Sponsorship opportunity was added and it was successful and increased table cost both of these offset a lot of the costs.
- Survey Responses (PDF of results to be sent out following the meeting)
- Symposium-Email blasts-increased the registration rate.
- Attendee- not high response
- Exhibitor- Good response- Need to think of who they do business with and draw big manufacturers to draw more attention and expand our database.
- Overall responses were positive, some constructive feedback was noted in the detailed comments on the survey results.
- Florence is stepping down so we need a new Supplier’s Night Chair to lead next year.
- Try to expand our advertising to attract larger companies, potential to link it to Fancy Food Show or another event. Potential to connect with CLFP. Additionally, we should push the exhibitors to show us what new technology and products they are presenting.
- Potential to rotate featured technology in the email blasts.
- Spotlight exhibitors to give 15 minutes for them to give a presentation in the symposium hall and have a schedule printed in the brochure so people know when things will be presented.
- Next year space is already reserved.
Symposium Suppliers Night
- Ideas for topics: Probiotics and natural food trends, upcycled products- Bay Area sustainability and minimizing food waste, FSMA, food for health, food protection and traceability.
- Florence will follow up with recommendations from the survey.
- Need to finalize presenters and concepts for symposium by November 2018.
Golf Event
- May 6th tentative date several locations contacted: Castlewood, Bridges, Callippe.
- Updated expenses and costs for next year are in place.
- Fairgrounds for next year is reserved and the price is locked in.
Next Executive Committee Meeting
- Planning meeting Monday August 20th.
- Executive meeting at IFT.
Next Steps
- Ballot for NCIFT positions is through Survey Monkey and 30 day voting window will begin by next week.
- Florence- To send out PDF of Suppliers Night feedback and Cost Indicators.
- Florence is stepping down we need a new Supplier’s Night Chair to lead next year.
- Need to finalize topic and key speakers at next Executive Committee Meeting for the Symposium.
- Finalize golf tournament location.