Meeting Minutes August 20, 2018
NCIFT Executive Board Planning Meeting
DATE: Monday, August 20, 2018
DESCRIPTION: Executive Board Planning Meeting
Meeting Called to Order 8:45 AM
- Brad Olson, Erin Evers, Nikoo Arasteh , Craig Rothe, Bruce Ferree , Anjali Ganpule, Elaine Chow, Abigail Selya- Executive Committee
- Susannah Smith-UC Davis NCIFT Representative
Steve Cooper Memorial
- Discussion of how to cover donations towards mortum members.
- Carol and Steve Cooper Scholarship fund for travel grants
- Nominated to rename the travel fund to be the Carol and Steve Cooper Grant, and do an additional $100 donation to the fund.
- Additionally moved to donate 100$ to St. Jude – Erin, Anjali Seconded Approved.
New NCIFT Website
- New website launched, will go live after review.
- Add the new professional events to the events tab
- Add a link to the facebook and linkedin pages.
- Update membership dues information- Remove the description of the options and have it link directly to IFT website.
- Update the University websites to have only food science programs related to us
- On contacts add a link to the emails of those people
- Get updated information for all members listed.
- Establish a Hornblower Committee with training and succession to assist with the newsletter.
- Need a job description with volunteer opportunities to kick start the new Hornblower.
Social Media
- Elaine- to lead presence on Linkedin and Facebook
- Events
- Hornblower release
- New professional events
Event Planning
- Discussion below:
- Craig- Want to do an event in Reno, Nevada to do an Elite Spice to host venue, to do a get to know you event.
- Bruce-Fairfield event and do a Jelly Belly/Budweiser event.
- Bruce- Prop 65 event location TBD. Bruce to be in charge.
- Erin/Brad-2018 October Fall opener-Have a speaker and bring a friend night.
- Brad/Erin- Webinar- Executive Committee Meeting- Chair of Statistics and Strategy for IFT.
- Craig-Event at the Oakland A’s to do a tour of the food facilities and event.
- Jasp/Brad-Holiday Dinner- December, 13, 2018- Doing a place in Dublin and would allow for a speaker. Send a request to IFT presidents or other speakers to participate in events and give speeches for holiday dinner.
- Brad to reach out to National to see availability of speakers and Nikoo to reach out to Peet’s coffee
- March event at the Oakland Zoo or Oakland Museum.
- Linda Harris could do a talk for us on where food is going and address future needs, call and give her dates.
- Could do a new professionals hike.
- Livermore grape stomping event.
- Next year 2 holiday Meetings
- 10/24/18: Nevada Event- Craig/Bruce/Marty
- 10/XX/18: 3rd week or beyond NCIFT Mixer- Bring a Friend Night Potential to have Bruce and Quality Division Speak- Pallavi
- 1/XX/19- Prop 65 Seminar 100-150 attendance location TBD- Bruce
- 2-3/XX/19- Student Awards Banquet- UC Davis Students to Help
- 2/12/19-CLFP (California League of Food Processors) Luncheon- Speaker TBD Nikoo/Pallavi to find speaker
- 3/XX/19- FIG in Santa Rosa/Petaluma-NIkoo
- 3-4/XX/19 TBD- Location TBD East Bay-Night Mixer: Potential Future of Food Speaker- Bruce German, Dr. Biltekoff or Lauren Shimek. – Susannah
- 5/6-7/19-NCIFT Suppliers Night and Golf Event
- 5/6/18: Golf -Marty/Dave
- 5/7/18: Bruce/Erin/Pallavi
- 6/2-5/19: IFT19 New Orleans- Brad
- West Coast/Best Coast Mixer
- UCD Gathering
- 7/X/19: TBD
- 11/XX/19: Turkey Raffle
*Pallavi to plan 2019 holiday party to plan and schedule location and event.
- Topline Discussion- Exact budget available on request
- Cruess Fund- Move to seperate account for student scholarships
- Membership Dues were lower- because of reduced membership
- Follow up on the credit card and baking fees
Meeting Adjourned 12:30 Motioned- Erin Evers, Seconded- Nikoo