Meeting Minutes August 11, 2017 - NCIFT

Executive Committee


Meeting Minutes August 11, 2017


Abigail Selya
Erin Evers
Brad Olson
Nikoo Arasteh
Anjali Ganpule
Russ Nishikawa
Carol Cooper
Craig Rothe
Brian Chau
Bianca Wiens

Meeting was brought to order at 1:16PM at the SPI Building in San Leandro.

Action Items

  • Jaspreet/Brad- Budget management for Central Valley Section. Develop a delineated account for scholarships and Central Valley events. Need two sub accounts. ->Needs to be completed before June 2018.
  • Develop a strategic plan for our section. We have a short fall every year however within the next five years we might run out of money and we need to develop a plan to maintain our budget.
  • Social Media Chair->Brad set it up and transferred it to Elle, -> Abigail to cover social media LinkedIn/Facebook/ until the position is filled.
  • Erin to-> Follow up with Charlwit and reconnect on his grant/award/scholarship role to connect us more to Davis.
  • Carol -> Have a meeting with Linda and see how we can act as a resource Continue to develop a relationship with them. Possibly have a professor to represent and connect Lauren Shimek to connect with students. -> Immediate past president and college relations chair, young professionals to visit once/year to drive and visit the students.
  • Scholarship Committee-> Student Award Banquet- Have a representative to share information about our program and give certificates out. (Request a table at the entry hall to have a presence).
  • Carol-> Include a bullet point summary of new membership fees in Hornblower.
  • Brad-> confirm Carol has access to membership list
  • Save historical Hornblower issues electronically
  • Imelda Marketing Designs-> Advertise on the website for historian and social media with job descriptions, contact -> Brad to facilitate
  • September 19 welcome event, Handles Brewery-> Topic FSMA: A pragmatic approach estimated attendance 70 people. -> Head count needs to be given 1 week in advance to restaurant. Imelda take sign ups and payments. Possibly Use Event Bright connect with Imelda to relay information.
  • Russ-> reach out to Ed Silva AACT, Possible event connection possibly help sponsor a speaker.
  • Jaspreet->review distribution of savings vs checking to maximize our accounts.
  • Brad/Craig->Craig- reach out to Mike McCarthy, Brad Send something out for the following idea: National IFT Mixer- Possible split ownership event- NCIFT Networking event. Washington/San Joaquin/Southern CA/Oregon #WestCoastBestCoast Mixer -> Connect with other chapters and Cindy for support.
  • Jaspreet- Treasurer- Need separate account for Cruess Fund Expense
  • Marketing and design->Hornblower->potentially move to an online publication. (Check hyperlinks on website). Figure out cost for digital only production. If you want a print copy could be an added cost to your membership dues.
    • Send a survey to companies who advertise we are focusing on our environmental impact and want better distribution to our members. Transitional -digital/paper for one year and if successful send out a survey to determine which format would be more useful.
  • Craig-> contact Legal Zoom to get estimated costs for a transition from a 501c6 to a 501c3
  • Education Committee -> Have suppliers give presentations in a general and showcase new companies. (ex: Chirps Chips- cricket chips, FSMA sanitation process)- Possible monthly event.
  • Brad-> Transition to Event Bright connect with Imelda on managing it.

This year lets follow up on our goals and actions.

Introduction/Thank you

  • Craig-President- Elite Spice
  • Brad Olson- President Elect->President- Albertsons
  • Russ Nishikawa- Membership Chair-SPI
  • Erin Evers -> New Membership Chair/Young Professionals Chair-SPI Group
  • Anjali Ganpule- New Director at Large- Torani
  • Carol Cooper- Editor Hornblower- Retired from UC Davis
  • Abigail Selya- new Secretary – Mattson
  • Brian Chau- New Director at Large- Chau time podcast/grad student
  • Bianca Wiens- Member at Large- Gallo

Craig-Only a few people do a lot of the work, want to have all of us involved in recruiting new members and support. We obtained a section of excellence for a second year in a row.

New Membership Offerings

  • Erin-Changed IFT structure. Effective September. Presented to all the section leaders in June.
  • Market the value on a business level by sponsoring and supporting events. We provide access and connections. Skills that technical sales people have.
  • Why Update- Price sensitivity initial model recommendations, review results, analyze membership features, finalize draft model for market testing, member needs survey.
  • Options for IFT membership

  • Premier member- $209/year tiered membership for early career (1-$80, 2-$120)- discount on national IFT, free webinars, online access to journal of food science, awards from IFT- need to be at this level
  • Networking and engagement $99/year +section dues – can volunteer and participate do not get food technology magazine. Cannot be an elected committee member but can still volunteer. (Expect this to be the most popular)
  • International Joint membership
  • Emeritus Member ($25)
  • Student ($50)

No changes on how sections are selected. Whenever you started your membership you will see the changes.

Craig/Russ/Brad/Erin- If you are aware of anyone in a company who just started out who wants to get involved and have a lot of potential. Scholarship/Subsidized options might be possible. Possibly waive their section dues. Need a full application process. Could discuss it at new professional meetings.

*Put an explanation section in the Hornblower and on the website. -> Action Item listed above


Craig- Someone in Ohio charged the NCIFT visa card 350$ canceled it and it was replaced. Emails throughout the chapters requesting money wiring $4000. Craig sent bank account and routing number and Craig reported it to the police.

Past Events

  • Brad-Supplier’s Night Recap- Net Revenue $23,873.84 prime contributor to our budget. Next year May 7 Golf, May 8 Supplier’s night.

Upcoming Events
*Need more advertising and announcements for all our events

  • Sign in sheet-Add a member yes/no column for attendance. Bring a non-member to encourage new membership.
  • Erin-New Professionals Event Lauren Shimek August 23, 2017 leading food innovation sold out in a day. Facility size restriction will try to schedule another event.
  • Carol/Erin IFT- Volunteers has changed the way they signed up. Carol suggests that the other sections get a chance to host so we can rotate through the sections. Only rotates through a few locations LA/Vegas/Chicago/New Orleans/Atlanta/Dallas.
  • September 19 welcome event, Handles Brewery-> Topic FSMA: A pragmatic approach estimated attendance 70 people. -> Head count needs to be given 1 week in advance to restaurant. Imelda take sign ups and payments
  • October Bring a friend night-> new membership model and recruitment (possible incentive for bringing a non-member)-> Central Valley event Gallo/Almond Board partnership at the Double Tree. (Almond companies could donate some of their flavors to try)
  • December 7, 2017 Holiday Dinner-> Topic The science of food what will the next 75 years look like. Wente Vineyards $75 -$85/person try to break even if you sign up you pay. Get a good headcount should use Event Bright. Food Tech Club- Sell Raffle tickets. Silent auction possibility Chef volunteer to do a dinner for 2 or 4 chef comes to your house for a silent auction. Ticket Price: $65-75 for members early registration discount by Nov. 20th (5-10$ off) $85 non-members table sponsorship. Space is limited to 125 people at the door cash only at cost. Offer sponsor recognition and reserved tables. Table is not tax deductible. Pre-registration needs to be completed one month in advance.
  • 1/22/18 Fancy food show- RCA/NCIFT Gathering
  • 2/21/17 CLFP Luncheon Speaker-TBD
  • 3/1/18 Student award banquet – UCD
  • 3-4/xx/18 NCIFT Member Social- Fairfield Industry Event
  • 6/xx/18- American Association of Candy Technologists. Possible event. ->Action item above.
  • 5/7-8/18 NCIFT Suppliers Night 5/8 and Golf Event 5/7
  • 7/15-18/18- NCIFT Section Gathering
  • National IFT Mixer- Possible split ownership event- NCIFT Networking event. Southern CA/Oregon #WestCoastBestCoast Mixer -> Connect with other chapters and Cindy for support.

Executive Committee Meetings

  • 10/xx/17 -Invitation to follow
  • 12/7/17-Holiday meeting before holiday dinner
  • 2/21/18 -CLFP After Luncheon in neighboring hotel
  • 4/xx/18- invitation to follow
  • 7/x/18 -Meeting at IFT
  • 8/xx/18- Planning meeting
  • December Event IFT President Cindy is visiting –provide wine/snacks/recap of agenda/goals/feedback/opportunity to have her support/NCIFT Cactus networking event.

Central Valley IFT

  • Craig/Brad-NCIFT absorbed Central Valley temporarily for this year to help assist their chapter and hope they can reform their chapter. NCIFT is here to help.
  • Erin- What is the budget of the Central Valley and how can we control our expenses for Central Valley events. We need separate sub-sets-> Nominating committee needs to inform them of their membership responsibilities. -> Action Item Listed Above
  • Russ- There should always be a member at large from Central Valley to represent and have a small committee propose and budget from their money.
  • Russ/Bianca/Brad- CVIFT should think of ways to generate their own revenue- (Membership dues from some zip codes). Every year have an account set up and put it on our budget as a budget item.
  • Have CVIFT to have their own treasurer/supporting treasurer to help recreate a section. Helps simplify and develop structural organization.

New Procedures Manual

Brad- Section leader’s resources page. Posted last year good resources.

  • Roles and responsibilities- governing body of the section, IFT Goals etc. (see online resource)
  • Mission Goals and Bylaws of our section- Review Online
  • Prepare for board meetings and review the agenda
  • Executive Committee- chair, chair elect, president, president elect, immediate past president, executive secretary.
  • New Position Descriptions-> (see online resource)
  • We have a lot of positions that are open for appointment-> Audit Committee, Finance Committee, Social Media Chair, Science fair coordinator, college relations chair, awards committee chair, historian, Hornblower editor, young professional’s director, membership secretary, scholarship, nominating committee member. -> ask UC Davis students connected to NCIFT try to connect more people to our organization. Work with Nicole and a representative on our board to connect
  • Directors at large support supplier’s night and section membership events.

Involvement/Idea Development

  • Erin invited to the Food Tech Club Meeting-> Working with Charlwit and Melissa it’s important to be related to the students have multiple connections to grad/undergrad/V&E/Brewing so many different people involved it is difficult connect with everyone.
  • College Relation Chair- need to have people in all the colleges to represent however, UC Davis is the only IFT program. See if we can develop a stronger presence.
  • Brad/Erin/-Attend IFT- Group discounts possibilities so more employees can be involved. Corporate membership possibilities.
  • Erin-Officers need their membership status to ensure we have vested leadership. Notified committee.
  • Brad- At CLFP last year we had someone in Fairfield who can connect everyone to IFT. Attract people from Vacaville, Sacramento,
  • Nikoo Arasteh -Assign champions to each of the locations for follow up on geographically diverse events.
  • Craig- Love to see a mainstream networking event spread out geographically to attract new members. Sacramento, Santa Rosa. Quarterly meeting to attract new members. Raley’s, Blue Diamond etc.
  • Nikoo- Get more industry representatives involved.

Goals- Education Webinar

  • Craig- Would love to see a monthly educational series that would be beneficial for all of us and it would help attract new members and company sponsorships. Both member and IFT webinars. 3-4 people on an educational committee. UC Davis can play a big role and provide education/instruction.
  • Offering webcast 4-6 times a year where the NCIFT ambassador would put something on the bulletin board announcing a webinar or FSMA training etc. Offering a once a month speaker or program.
  • Craig-wants to continue to be involved and possibly lead this section.
  • Russ- Would it be IFT driven? – Make it a reoccurring webinar on the same day.
  • We provide access and connections. Skills that technical sales people have.


  • FY2017 Profit/Loss
    • Detailed information provided in meeting and by request.
    • Total income 131,298.43 Total Expense 145,092.04 =Net Income -13,793
    • Need separate account for Cruess Fund Expense ->Action item listed above
  • FY2018 Budget Planning
    • Checking: $26,361.40 and Savings: $69,610.69
    • Need $5000 for new professionals 10 events this year 40-60 people (Great job Erin!)
    • Jaspreet-review distribution of savings vs checking to maximize our accounts. -> Action item listed above
  • EventBright Membership
    • Help ensure cost of events are covered
    • Brad Raised it-> Abigail Motioned-> Nikoo Seconded-> Voting Followed up in email by End of September.
    • Nikoo-Event Chair and would need to maintain it.
    • Need to train Imelda and she would be appointed to managing it.
  • Hornblower (digital vs. print)
    • Hornblower- potentially move to an online publication. (Check hyperlinks on website). Print copy added cost to your membership dues. Send a survey to companies who advertise we are focusing on our environmental impact and want better distribution. ->Action Item listed above
  • 501c3 vs C6
    • Most sections 501c6- industry improvement
    • 501c3 education and research
    • Fees to convert $7,000-$10,000+
    • Have Legal zoom convert us to $595 + filing fees. ->action item listed above.
    • Follow our mission statement for guidance on what we want to support.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 PM

Next meeting-> October Invite to Follow.

Read More

Dr. Vivian Wu

Jagriti Sharma, PhD

Dr. Zhongli Pan
UC Davis

Dr. Gabriela John Swamy

Dr. Nishtha Lukhmana
Premier Nutrition Company

Ms. Erin Evers
SPI Group


Leigh Schmidt

Shayanti Minj

Karen Dawes

Marika Lodle



Parastoo Yaghmaee

Mr. Mike Toomey
Advanced Biotech

Charlwit Kulchaiyawat

Ms. Erin Evers
SPI Group

Poonam Bajaj

Ms. Rachael Hung
Impossible Foods

Jagriti Sharma, PhD

Meredith Morris-Gaudreau