Meeting Minutes August 28, 2020
Executive Committee 2019-2020:
- Craig Rothe-President
- Jaspreet Walia-President Elect
- Nikoo Arasteh-Past President
- Abigail Selya-Secretary
- Erin Evers-Membership
- Bruce Ferree-Symposium Chair
- Mike McCarthy-IFT
Location: Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Time: Start- 4:04PM Adjourn: 4:58 PM
Attendees: Abigail Selya, Bruce Ferree, Jeff Sheasley, Nikoo Arasteh, Anjali Ganpule, Erin Evers, Elaine Chow, Myhan Nguyen (UCD IFT Representative), Craig Rothe, Terri Amerio-Bell, Mike McCarthay, Jaspreet Walia, Parastoo Yaghmaee
- State of the Section Report
- 782 members YTD down from 815 at the start of Fiscal Year, 30 members have transferred out. 79.16% Continuing Members 20.84% New Members
- Financial Report-Terri
- Expo & Golf Financial-Bruce-
- $47,500 in income, $10,875 dollars sent as refunds still working to refund or defer money to the other companies. Preference is to have a deferral. Reaching out to Key Contact and will be looking for alternative contacts if we are not able to reach out to them.
- $15,753 spent refunds have allowed us to salvage 13,388 for a future 2021 event. All in we are out $2,365.60.
- All bills are paid so far
- Suppliers night deferrals will have a record so that the money will be kept for the next Suppliers Night event.
- Director at Large – Craig is requesting the board adopt a newly-created position of Dir. At Large for Western NV to establish a point of contact there. Also requesting sole candidate Jeff Sheasley of Elite Spice be nominated and approved.
- Jeff will be put into the Director at Large vacancy once confirmed by appointment from our President (Craig), and will continue on for the following year.
Create a Director at Large Position in Nevada, Board – (6 yes, 0 No)
- Elections discussion- We will have an election in Late June/Early July to have people in place before Sept 1 Fiscal year start date. Post open positions and timeline for when positions will be nominated and appointed.
- Event planning
- Networking events-looking for suggestions (not hard dates) for themes, and locations; both venues and to cover our geography (Sacramento, Santa Rosa, etc.) Have a National Food Lab potential virtual event
- July National Meeting-idea to broadcast this at a local venue if open
- We committed to doing 4 events in Reno per year
- Educational events-Ideas for events at various venues, Mattson quarterly events will still be happening once it is safe to socially gather, as well as virtual events/webcasts
- Approval requested for educational budget
- New Professionals schedule-Erin
- Survey launched soon via Ashwini, probing perceived needs and interests
- Lecture Series Jas will pass on topics from Certified Labs that could be shared with NCIFT.
- Ambassador Program-Could we implement this year? We don’t have a plan yet to implement but is a priority to organize
- IFT Connect & Section Leader Resources – will send out position descriptions again and bi-laws to review and refresh on
- Member of the Year Award nominees needed- Marty and Erin Nominated for 2019 and 2020 recipients.
- IFT-related dates and deadlines
- August 15-Section Roster
- August 31-Annual Report Due
- Date TBD-Virtual Volunteer Leadership Summit
- October 31-Financial Report
-Section leader webcast Thursday 4/31 available for virtual training and webinar -link to be sent post call