Meeting Minutes February 22, 2022 - NCIFT

Executive Committee


Meeting Minutes February 22, 2022

NCIFT February Board Meeting Minutes
Date: February 22, 2022
Time: 4- 5 pm
Location: Zoom

Parastoo Yaghmaee – President
Ellice Ogle- President Elect
Gabriela Swamy – Secretary
Terri Amerio-Bell-Treasurer
John Frelka- Dir. At Large
Christopher Ham- Dir. At Large
Ashwini Wagh – Education Chair
Jamie Lawrence- HornBlower Editor
Craig Rothe-Past President
Bruce Ferree-Symposium Chair
Martin Potnick – Sierra Region
Erin Evers-Membership & New Prof.
Katie Uhl – UC Davis
Amber Yung-I Sun – UG rep, UC Davis
Maria Giovani – UC, Chico

4:05 PM Called to Order, Meeting called to end 5:01 PM (PST)

Food Processing Expo and Luncheon recap
Parastoo provided feedback that the participant response to the luncheon was greatly positive.
The speaker highlighted the process of Filtration in the session and approximately 30 people
attended the luncheon.
Erin updated on the expo and extended her appreciation for the CLFP team. She also thanked
Bruce, Mathew, Parastoo, John for volunteering at the booth. She also updated that there was
interest from vendors for the golf tournament. Registration forms were handed out.

NCIFT Website modification comments
Parastoo informed the team about the NCIFT website update process. A login is set up for
members and meeting minutes and Hornblower will be available only for members. Other
general information is available for everyone. The team is still working on the developing the
other aspects of the website.

Scholarship Committee update
Parastoo updated the team as Charlwit was not present. The committee was able to rank the
applicants and select winners. Eleven scholarships were given to SJSU and UC Davis students.
She also encouraged UC Chico members to increase student participation.

Nomination Committee update
John updated the team that all positions have been filled except for the Chair elect. He will be
reaching out to more people and will be updating in the next meeting. The nomination list
needs to be finalized by Spring 2022.
Terri updated that she will be stepping down as Treasurer after the fiscal year. Since the
Treasurer position is not an elected one, the President will appoint the Treasurer after the
tenure is completed.

Finance Committee – Roles and responsibilities
Parastoo updated the team about the first meeting of the Finance committee that was held last
week. In the first session, the committee listed the responsibilities as follows:

1. Provide advice and guidance to NCIFT Board when is needed.
2. Create, approve, and update (as necessary) policies that help ensure the assets
of the organization are protected.
3. Ensure policies and procedures for financial transactions are documented and is
reviewed annually and updated as necessary within NCIFT bylaw.
4. Ensure approved financial policies and procedures are being followed.
5. Ensure the financial records of the organization are accurate and complete.
6. Assist the treasurer in managing and monitoring the organization finances.
7. Work with event chairs in developing the budget and monitoring expenses.
8. Annual review of best financial practices

Bruce and Martin suggested that financial advice should be included in the responsibilities.

Zoom host and moderator (need more volunteers, for Supplier’s Night and webinars)
Ellice updated on the virtual events conducted so far and participant responses have been very
positive. She requested for more volunteers for future events. Gabriela agreed to volunteer for
virtual events.

Hornblower comments
Jamie updated that the next deadline to submit articles is Fri Mar 18. She also requested an
assistant editor. Gabriela has promised to reach out to the NUFS Club students to volunteer

Upcoming confirmed events

  • NCIFT Virtual Showcase at AgStart (virtual) Tues Feb 22 at 12 PM
  • NCIFT: Advancing Alternative Protein Research with the Good Food Institute (virtual)
    Wed Mar 16 at 12 PM. Mathew will be the moderator
  • NCIFT: Sensory & Consumer Science Research Essentials with Dragonfly (virtual)
    Wed Mar 23, time TBD
  • NCIFT presents Food Science Awards at local science fairs (March-April)
    • Monterey County Science & Engineering Fair (Mar 5-20)
    • San Jose/ Santa Clara Synopsys Science and Technology (Mar 5-10)
    • Alameda County Science and Engineering Fair (Mar 26 – Apr 2)

Bruce highlighted that the IFT and NCIFT logo needs to be fixed before printing the

  • Educational Webinar: Requirements for labeling of bio engineered ingredients in
    food with Jennifer Allen of Zwillinger Wulkan law firm (virtual) Wed Apr 6 at 12 PM
  • Educational Webinar: Modelling and Simulation, TBD, Speaker from Clorox
  • NCIFT at CSU Chico: Sustainable practices in the Northern California Food Industry
    (in person) Thurs Apr 7 at 5 PM
  • UC Davis Food Science & Technology Showcase (virtual) Thurs Apr 21 at 4 PM
    Amber shared the agenda and Katie confirmed the events
  • NCIFT 30th Annual Business-Networking Golf Classic (in person) Mon May 9 (Craig,
    Alex Feng has volunteered to be the #2 for this committee. Bruce provided registration
    details and financial information for the golf event. The golf event team continues to
    work on their elements such as contract finalization, goodie bags and donations, dinner
    plans and so forth. The symposium will have 4 speakers.
    Parastoo asked questions about the grand prize announced for golf tournament in
    Supplier’s night brochure. Marty explained that there is an insurance that will cover the
    prize if there was a winner. Marty to provide the contract from the insurance company
    for review.
  • Phil Perkins (Past Chair of the Board, Feeding Tomorrow) – Why we need to
    change what we eat
  • Gerardo Figueiredo – Lawyer in Brazil – International trade viewpoint on changes
    in the food landscape
  • Liz Sloan, IFT Fellow, Writer for Food Technology – Current trends and their
  • Larissa Zimberoff – Food writer – Positives and negatives to current changes


  • Suppliers’ Night (in person) Thurs May 10 (Bruce)

    Bruce is working on the expo location. Same buildings as in the past, agreement almost
    final, agreeing on lay-out for the buildings
    COVID protocols will be followed, and Bruce has arranged for a sanitizer sponsor –
    RBChemical and Co. The team is looking for a mask sponsor
    Victor and Parastoo are working on adding the Student Poster competition and
    presentation – lay-out within the floor
    Bruce is starting outreach to UCD and SJSU for student volunteers.

Upcoming in progress events:

  • San Jose State University (in person) First week of April
  • Central Valley (in person) late April
  • Northern Nevada/ Reno (in person) late April
  • Food Front in Woodland Incubator (in person) TBA in June
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Dr. Zhongli Pan
UC Davis

Dr. Vivian Wu

Ms. Ellice Ogle
Tandem Food

Dr. Gabriella John Swammy

Dr. Nishtha Lukhmana
Premier Nutrition Company

Ms. Erin Evers
SPI Group


Dr. Xi (Alex) Feng

Mr. John Frelka
Del Monte Foods, Inc

Ms. WanChin Lim

Dr. Leigh Schmidt

Ms. Yanyao Yu
Thrive Freeze Dry


Ms. Ellice Ogle

Tandem Foods

Mr. John Frelka
Innovative Products and Services

Mr. Mike Toomey
Advanced Biotech

Ms. Yanyao Yu
Thrive Freeze Dry

Ms. Erin Evers
SPI Group

Ms. Clara Lang, Kinders